
Welcome to my website and thank you for stopping by!

I spend a great deal of time writing esoteric articles for academic journals that only reach a very small group of academicians. The purpose of this blog is to have a broader outlet for discussion and exploration of economic, financial, political, and higher education issues that are important to all of us, not just a select few.

You may not always agree with my posts, but I hope we can all engage in polite conversation about the issues. As a professor, I occasionally discuss provocative topics that are designed to stimulate people to think about issues in ways they haven’t considered before. As a result, my positions might not always reflect my personal opinions, but serve as a springboard for discussion.

My goal is to post at least one new discussion each week, so bookmark this page and check back often! Also, go to “Professor Holly Bell” on facebook and “like” the page to be notified when new content has been posted.

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